Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Tie A Belt With Two Rings

my professor

For the first time in my life or fear of what awaits me I ventitue years and when I say but you're young! It seems to me a threat, I have the easy tears lately and I'm always alone so I'm sorry but when I'm with others I want to be dasola. Studio art and are very self-critical, I feel the weight of all that falls to me, but most can not rely on anyone even on my parents.

I was not always so, but I had a bad relationship with a nuomo and I collapsed everything in here I thought, art, life, adventures, my motto was do what I want ... I am now a clam or a dog that licks wounds but perhaps these wounds I have ever had.

He is my art professor, has 51 years and has with a woman from 12 last year when I saw him I fell in love, there nien in the world like him to have a nno then pretended not to when the school ended, we met to talk about a job, I was almost resigned I was fine, then after lunch he takes me to his house for a coffee but it has turned over and we hugged trembling, we have not separated the whole summer, we stati una settimana in un paese a fare una scultura e lei sospettava,io ho cominciato a soffrire, perchè innamorata sentivo l'impossibilità di questa storia cosi un giorno a fine settembere- ottobre decido di troncare gli accenno il discorso al telefono e lui si agita e forse lei ha notato un suo comportamento strano ed è andata a vedere nel telefonino le chiamate e i messaggi, mi conosce perchè insegna anche lei in accademia,è successo un putiferio, non so cosa è successo in casa loro ma io sono quasi diventata pazza, non ci siamo visti per molto tempo lui ogni tanto mi chiamava ma lei controllava il telefono e io non capivo che stava succedendo, un giorno ci vediamo per fare il punto della situazione e si rompe qualcosa in me, io quel giorno I died, he told me what had happened, who now controls everything I do and I felt used and taken for a ride I felt like he made me a replacement for what in effect is no longer with her a toy, I had no strength to call and see it for a while I started to not believe in anything because of him I was so sure that I put my hand on fire ... I thought initially but will be so great that one can fall in love umo a little like me? Yet I have heard that it was and I believe it is

now started school and we'll see, sometimes we go to lunch together and we exchange tenderness like before, but more restrained, how do you want to spend TEPO still with me after what happened? Why?

What does not make me sleep at night is the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he thinks, he wants from me? the husband says he does not even see me vule that he needs me, I have to wait that said I must be patient ... But he always returns home from her mother, this behavior is that? cursed the day I asked him but your relationship with her now that love is more work, we wanted a good time there but we still tired ... What do you mean Qusta sentence? vulnerable and say that you've been waiting for? to do that?

I do not expect anything makes me sick and yet I'm almost resigned once from a distance and in silence love him but I understand and I wish someone would help me in this, I tried to inlustrare best what has happened, I do not have enough provable clarity is perhaps easier than it looks
If these lines were read thank


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