Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dahvie Vanity Hair Tutorial


Gent. dr. Knight, I would like to expose my "case" hoping that she will help me to give unasvolta to my life. I'm married 37 years three years and have a wonderful child of one year. About five years ago when I was already fidnzata with my current husband I met a ragazzo più giovane di me di un anno; tra di noi è scattata subito una forte passione: ne è nata una storia in cui ho dato tutta me stessa amando senza riserve, come non avevo mai fatto in vita mia. Da parte di questo ragazzo c'era un forte attaccamento ma al tempo stesso un continuo giudicare la mia "dopppia vita". Non comprendeva quanto fosse difficile affrontare il giudizio di amici e parenti, il mio bisogno di trovare in lui un sostegno per poter affrontare il mio fidanzato, che è una delle persone a cui voglio più bene e l'uomo che stimo di più al mondo. Razionalmente intuivo che questo Boy I would just suffer, but I could not invalidates out of that history. Between sobs, insults, separation lasted for months, that relationship went on, hand in hand with my official history. It was not a situation that tended me happy, I shut myself in more and more, I felt dirty and unworthy of my friends. Continunava him to make his life, he would periodically ovviamnete with someone and I had no right to do controversy as I had an official boyfriend. stories were of little consequence, until he began to court a my friend, best friend (see appropriate) to my husband and I realized that lost its head. At that point, I have removed all my strength, I tried to go on. I was next to me with a wonderful man I was (and am) well, that perhaps he had also realized that my heart was elsewhere and I had forgiven him. we went in together and after about a year, during which I had not seen each other , we decided to get married. Three months before the wedding has remade him alive, he did review it resurfaces my feelings ever, stronger and more desperate. He told me ch and I had never Lost and begged me not to marry.
We resumed our relationship, but I do not feel like mel ason derail the wedding. The wedding day I was beside myself , I seemed to attend the wedding of another. We r ivisti after about 15 days and I promised credendci firmly I Saei separate immediately. I could not live without him. After about a month his father fell ill with a severe form of cancer. by then his attitude towards me changed radically: I could not stand by him as he wanted to be vented and treated me like a little good. I sense ch ESI is linking to another person not want to talk to me. His father died; two days later, while he has to be near him, alibis of any kind with my husband tells me I'm not the kind of woman that for him, that his father would not never wanted to own such a and sent me away, telling me that I stay with my husband. I did everything to show the seriousness of my intentions and he has done everything to get away, one day he came to send me a message saying that Veva just made love with another. I collapsed the world on him and I decided to tronacre, while showing diposnibile when he wanted to hear, because it was very bad for the death of his father. I reconciled with my husband, taking to have sex with him. I got pregnant and I have taken very bad, because I wanted a son on the other. He ovviamnete I said all the colors, but after ten days I wrote that was in love with another and she was happy. I just wanted abortion, however the pregnancy has been going well and today thank heaven for that. I thought about him obsessively and to the fifth mese lui ha ripreso a scrivermi, eracontraddittorio: da un lato mi parlava della sua ragazza , senza preoccuparsi di ferirmei, dall'altro diceva che sarei rimasta il suo unico amore. Gli ho chiesto di aspettare che nascesse la bambina, di non fare mosse azzardate. Lui mi ha allontanato di nuovo, è sparito dicendomi che mi odiava. verso settembre si è rifatto vivo, dicendomi che sarebbe andato a convivere con questa ragazza, di cui ad oggi non so ancora il nome, rinfacciandomi continuamente quanto fosse bella e soprattutto giovane (12 anni meno di lui) e soprattutto dicendomi che non era mai stato so well with a woman. From time to time I send messages, always more contradictory until just before entering the delivery room I wrote that I thought. Then all of a sudden I noticed that started to treat me like a stranger, friend whatever. I realized that I was still feeling very strong and I told him, asking to leave me alone. But he ignored my request ; goes away if I'm looking for, but if you shoot me
look like a madman. Currently we write dozens dozens of messages a day, I try to be friend of the drawee, but my heart beats fast for him. What can I do?


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