Maroni non pensa che in Italia ci sia un'emergenza razzismo.
Abdul ucciso a bastonate, sei immigrati ammazzati dalla Camorra a Castelvolturno, un cittadino cinese pestato a sangue da alcuni minorenni, un ragazzo burkinabe ucciso a sua volta a sprangate, Emmanuel malmenato dai vigili urbani.......
Non è razzismo, solo episodi....così come per il collega Schifani: " non credo esista il razzismo nel nostro Paese, is not in our DNA. "And the various Bingo Bongo, Imam of the cock, we take them to kick your ass, you put in too many fennel, gays and amenities of this kind, which are, and what the fuck am I?
I know very well which voters must answer Maroni, what are your ideas, but you do not even go to the hall of the brain that you are a minister of a state that you should know the Constitution? That should give a signal? If not political, institutional, at least? such as those sent by Napolitano?
You are a man of shit, let me say how sad ....
And hear your colleagues affrmare that the only solution is the certainty of punishment, a sentence ..... not a hard word about prevention, respect, tolerance (mutual, of course, not only for Italians). And that sadness
not hear voices, do not see signs .. even by persons, associations, clubs and so on, which should be the first indignant, response.
I would like to see at least a signal, such as the flag of peace, the white cloth of Emergency, to say that I (we) am not there ......
But at least nothing in my eyes, at least around me ....
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