Friday, December 26, 2008

Can You Take Superpump 250 And Creatine

apparent calm

not feel like writing, has been a while that is so, and the blog suffers.
After all, they are two years that spit judgments and opinions left and right (why do not they say left and right do not know), bursts of anger or euphoria, more or less deep thoughts and comments on ..... my quotes, stress in quotation marks, sporting achievements.
So I stop and reworked a bit, time of year-end financial statements, as they say, and then I look back and look at all that I've done and see if I like it or not, if they are satisfied or not, if I feel good or if I should change course.
And then, not least, I have no stimuli. It does not mean that I'm resigning, I will not say "so are all the same, nothing will ever change", I still get angry and ugly, but they are morally grounded and nothing lifts me. It seems to me that everything will happen again, is the same ..... as regards politics, current events, even the election of Barack I lifted that much, I already expressed my doubts a few posts ago. A
bowler hat here, a threat of war there, violence, violence and more violence ....
little new, truly new, alternative .... the only one who stands is Bugo, the only real exception ... he positive, beautiful, cool ....... a great album, great music , great lyrics ..... there's a crisis, the Tour's right, my hand, good manners. Surely
everyday life with its rhythms affect, I feel that my tiny brain is not free, just for nothing ..... 1000 thoughts, or perhaps 24,000 in the second as the title of this blog.
But really I do not think guilt is only another proof of this .... is my crisis with the Italian press I've said before in Clare ... Sometimes I want to make something different, intendo i quotidiani, poi guardo le testate e mi chiedo: "Sì ma cosa baby?", Il Giornale, Libero, Il Giorno, L'Avvenire, L'Unità ? Ho provato a farlo in biblio a Vime (quella sì figa), leggere opinioni diverse fa solo bene, ma poi il concetto è quello, le notizie son quelle, l'impostazione è quella....politica, esteri, economia, sport...niente di nuovo.
A volte mi maledico, questa continua ricerca di nuovo, questa continua ricerca di quel qualcosa che non c'è (" fottendosi da se, per quello che non c'è"....Manuel Agnelli, direi abbastanza alternativo), di cui convenivo con Raffa, non fa per nulla bene; ma sono esigente cazzo, sono esigente nella qualità del mio tempo libero, nei rapporti con le persone, nel rapporto di coppia, nelle cose in cui tutto, sì non mi fa bene...infatti ogni tanto mi chiedo: "Ma accontentarsi baby?"......per 5 minuti riesco, al 6° vacillo, al 7° sono in ginocchio, all'8°...."Fanculo, sono come!".
Forse la somma di tutto questo, moltiplicato per quello che succede la fuori nel mondo che mi circonda...diviso per il lavoro dei miei neuroni ("Mi manca la"), fa il mio stato attuale che, per Dio, non è certo malinconico, triste, paranoico, ce nè già troppo in giro, non si conta più...tu, turututu!
Anche nella musica si ripercuote, sta settimana mi son ascoltato un sacco i CSI, mi missing, the music, the lyrics of John, now Soundgarden, System of a Down ... and I appreciate N'R G, all people that no longer exists, that there is in other clothes, but they were coolest first. Want to put Black Hole Sun with Revelation?
So? Bo, .. see what happens with the new year? Then the new year is only a mental concept ... let's see how's the gas, let's see how it goes the bunch, let's see how it goes French, see if you go to Burkima, we see that tomorrow morning I will ..... the corsettina in the Osnago spesina, a pasta in the kitchen ... to a theater seat, then ... another hundred, a thousand things, and icredibile, a few days of relaxation, nothing lavotro ah ... ah ... do not seem to me true ... maybe there with the mind libero, sarò più lucido, guarderò le cose meglio.....che tanto, tra pochi giorni si ricomincia, con tutti i cazzi annessi e connessi, il furgone, le serrande da alzare, la poltrona da trasportare, la fattura da segnare, il corso da frequentare......e via via in questo vortice impazzito.
Non si capisce un cazzo di quel che ho scritto? Ma è quel che ho questa cosa un pò rotondeggiante con sopra del pelo, chiamata testa che contiene sta cosa chiamata cervello, che è fatto da due emisferi, materia grigia, che contengono...penso cellule...insomma uomo, vita...insomma noi.
A la prochain fois....e vediamo di che staremo qui a parlà......a bientot

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cheat Gameshark Yu-gi-oh Gx Duel Academy Gba


Un paio di settimane fa I go with my brand southward toward Bakersfield Ruby Nava. All
'height of the parking lot of Three Kings Way I see two guys ... cyclists at all points: the front and rear bags, trolley, clothes to hang in the trees, and so on ...... schiscetta we pass the eye and pride in my leather jacket I raise their thumb like Fonzie.
Returning after a few minutes I can stop and get to know?
"Where are you from?", "France or three bien .... "....... and" Where are you from? "," China "....." Excuse-moi? "," Yes from China, we started on 1 July 2006 In the face of !"........." lu dawg "I say ..... and then I discover that I am talking about and talk it over from Brussels to Once in Helsinki, St. Petersburg and then ... go for that immense country (almost a continent), access to the crossing of Mongolia ... this was also not great either and down to the Far East.
Then return to the country which was the home of Genghis Khan ..... a jump on the Trans-Siberian Railway, Moscow to drop down in Ukraine .... then one behind the other countries of Eastern Europe ... Slovenia, entry belpaese .... until the Three Kings bench in street, corner of Via degli Alpini Verderio Inf ..... Lecco, Lombardy, Italy, Europe, World, Universe ........
They want to tell, share ideas ... however, to take a trip so you can not but be a companion .... someone who wants to know, see, toccare, sentire, pedalare, scoprire, scrutare........sognare.....
Vai e vai e alla fine gli chiedo se vogliono qualcosa...."Ci servirebbe internet"...ottimo, venite a casa mia.....ed eccoli qua...le due Trek super attrezzate parcheggiate fuori dal mio Rubino capisce la situazione e fa spazio senza problemi alle nuove amiche.
Già che ci siete un teino??? "Perchè no?"....e intanto si ricollegano col mondo, due cuffiette e vai con Skype, un pò di mail, la ricerca di un tetto per le prossime notti e il gioco è fatto.
Inizia quasi a far buio...allora mi fanno: "Si sta facendo tardi, possiam metter la tenda nel tuo giardino?"..."Certo che no signori, voi dormite qua, non gradite la mia stanzetta?"... "Sure .... goods !".... and then on, a nice hot shower, a nice Italian dinner with the typical touch of Romu, a nice little wine, two Grappin, an Amaretto and live life!
Amid much talk, fuck the life Brianza, now there is nothing else to do .... and so on with stories and fote Russia .... the beautiful beautiful, hospitable, as well as Ukraine, very much alive .. ... even in Mongolia together very well to the shepherds in China ..... so-so, but all are very difficult to socialize .... while I do my homework in French and showed him the books dell'Ediciclo.
Then the morning comes .... mail to a subsidiary, hearty breakfast in view of his departure for Como, stood a basin of a hand to mothers and in the saddle!
I look at them out of the gate with a mixture of happiness, respect and a huge pinch of envy ....... A large
very nice, so random, so handsome, spontaneous .... cool cool, interesting.
Ah, what a prick, but what are their names and Dominique ???.... Cynthia ..... chapeau!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Make Your Own Tech Deck Design Online

's okay '??

other news I read today on Republic shameful, that the town of Brescia has decided to deliver the baby bonus only to Italian couples or couples where one spouse is Italian, there is nothing to foreign couples. This
after fingerprints, classes and other uniforms fired several mayors of the Northeast.
But it's all legal? Launch discriminatory decrees does not hurt, pass as normal??
How can we react to this stuff??
I am a little confused .....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Age Of Empires 1no Cd


Finally the long awaited news came, Barack Obama will be the 44th President of the United States of America.
was in the air for a while, but we had to wait until the last.
The advantage is significant and exceeded the threshold of the 270 voters for a while.
I hoped on, do not say all, but in many it hoped, we believed in him now, young man politically, a Democrat and African-American, as a replacement for George W, Texas, a Republican and ... what to call it? Falco? Warmonger?
And today started the enthusiasm, the securities waste, has even spoken of revolution, change (change is one of his jokes), people crying, people dancing ......
He can change the world, said Walter, a moment ago ....
Whenever this is so, despite all the disappointments that we have taken (several elections, the war in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Ségolène), we are always here to hope and to believe in change, in the new.
And there you take the enthusiasm.
Today I am very quiet however was very calm ... some happy, but calm, because Obama has already been loaded with too many responsibilities ... and heavy ... and I would not be disappointed.
are still the United States, the largest military power, and his team could take place even a few old colonel ... like Colin Powell, for the testing of chemical weapons to Saddam.
And let us not forget, Obama has collected piùù 100 million dollars in campaign, but will be accountable to someone right??
I am confident, but with many reservations.
And now I have another thought ... how the hell will behave Silvio? Col
Texas Republican was easy, but with him?? E 'already a great friend like Putin? Prepare spectacular eruption at his villa in Sardinia?
Or pull out some ancestor Kenyan family tree? A few black uncle who could now go out of fashion .....
Who knows ....

Friday, October 31, 2008

How Do I Get Rid Of Papilloma


The rain of recent days there confirms the end of the sports season ... I mean ... now the darkness comes early, it starts a little cold, rain ... mud ... the ingredients are all there.
must hope for some sunshine for a girettino bike or a run.
But the season has been rewarding, I marked on the calendar all the time in each session running, I have not the foggiest idea how many hours can be, if I can I will do the counting.
some adventure on the rocks .... and a great flight, or rather two ...
the matches, the first test .... 14 km, few of sky .... but ... it was beautiful!
Then that game so much desired and sought after, that of the night between 21 and 22 June, leaving at 22:52.
Unforgettable, the feel, the people, the environment, the torch head in the shelter ... that shit .... tart ... and the dawn of live, to Pra was walking down along the Rat.
And while there was another bet, Valgerola, July 20, 32 km, 1700 meters. in altitude (equal positivo. .. and negative), five lakes, some refuge, a couple of dams, many rocks, so much sweat, so much effort, a lot of joy. 88 km
adding the three.
And the two wheels? What a wonderful discovery
the racing bike: narrow wheels, bent handlebars, foot cleats, helmet, bad attitude, very bad .... a little push and go to 40 hour.
It 'a completely different feeling, not the usual bike, she is different, aggressive .... with little respect.
And let us not forget the trip ..... the asphalt from 3 different countries, reported in 4 languages \u200b\u200b(we also put Gaelic in Connemara were just so), so many different environments, such freedom and physical .... mental.
2100 km, perhaps even more than that.
I forget some things around the house, the first did not represent anything, they are now field testing, the steps required: the singing, the San Genesio, cypress, Monte Robbins ... the Magnodeno ....
The winter is long, the important thing is to keep a little fit, always doing the accounts with the various commitments, but that's okay, would be too easy to have every day a few hours available. But already the mind
gaurda and has already focused on .. names: Valetudo, Valmalenco-Valposchiavo, Tour of the lakes (or Giir Mont), Scaccia, Etna Sky Marathon.
Ambitious? Enough .... and if you really manage to do the last two, would be a good thing.
The desire is there, is to train but to participate.
The heart is still the same, because (in my humble opinion) he does 80% of the race.
In a year so again ....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tile Trowel Notch Size

... PERK ... GAS GAS

There is a gentleman named Luigi Verderio, decided to dedicate a blog about what's happening in this village: news, events, alerts, personal opinions and so on.
You can read, send messages, comment. There is a gentleman
Verderio (at least you think live here) that you sign (but do not know what his real name) Perk.
Punctual like a mosquito in the summer sends its commentary, which is not a comment, it's just an attempt to demean you, ridicule, criticize (but in the worst sense of the word), flatten, deriding any event is proposed and organized (regardless of subject Treaty) in the country, and to apply what I wrote above to work (free of course) by Luigi.
There's a guy, me, Luke, who manages this blog and wants to tell you that you're a jerk. First of all because
non utilizzi il tuo vero nome e, non da meno, perchè appare evidente che ci provi gusto nello scrivere le stronzate che invii a Luigi.
Non sono commenti, sono solo parole a vanvera, sono è proprio merda.
Penso che il diritto alla parola sia fondamentale, così come il diritto a commentare un post, ad esprimere il proprio parere; ma usufruire di questo diritto per sputtanare quello che le persone fanno con passione, usando il loro tempo libero, pensando e cercando di far riflettere e coinvolgere altre persone è proprio un comportamento meschino e bastardo.
Come sei tu Perk, un gran bastardo

Monday, October 20, 2008

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WHAT ARE purchasing groups. ... AND AS 'can create one in Verderio






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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

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Tell me why'...... Robbie

mu ..... if the cow is the blackbird is not me ..... recited a famous song by Elio.
But in this case, I would ask why they awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Martti Ahtisaari, a person unknown to most people.
The Nobel Prize in law it was almost to a person, which I have mentioned over and over again ... and I dedicated a blog .... Ingrid.
was already a Nobel Prize and more than 10 years ago, when he decided to escape from the usual parties and she found one, to fight corruption and injustice.
was already a Nobel Prize when he ran for President of the Republic of Colombia, when he decided to meet with the FARC.
E 'was a Nobel Prize from February 2002 to July 2008 ..... 6 and a half years of captivity in the jungle, 6 and a half years of suffering and almost zero contact with the outside world. Then
liberation, joy, and visits to various countries around the world, the rumors about his new job as president.
It 's a symbol, period, famous in the world .... that major newspapers have devoted the front page July 3, 2008.
would have been recognized for his struggles, suffering, tenacity .... and a reason for further encouragement (if any were needed) for his future endeavors.
Instead it was given to an unknown person, which I do not discuss the validity and lal efforts thirty years ...... but for that it could wait another year.
Personalmente non penso che siano fondamentali i premi, i riconoscimenti e le in alcuni casi si....e sicuramente questo lo era.
Ancora una volta conoscendola....troverà il modo di conquistarselo.....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

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Maroni non pensa che in Italia ci sia un'emergenza razzismo.
Abdul ucciso a bastonate, sei immigrati ammazzati dalla Camorra a Castelvolturno, un cittadino cinese pestato a sangue da alcuni minorenni, un ragazzo burkinabe ucciso a sua volta a sprangate, Emmanuel malmenato dai vigili urbani.......
Non è razzismo, solo episodi....così come per il collega Schifani: " non credo esista il razzismo nel nostro Paese, is not in our DNA. "And the various Bingo Bongo, Imam of the cock, we take them to kick your ass, you put in too many fennel, gays and amenities of this kind, which are, and what the fuck am I?
I know very well which voters must answer Maroni, what are your ideas, but you do not even go to the hall of the brain that you are a minister of a state that you should know the Constitution? That should give a signal? If not political, institutional, at least? such as those sent by Napolitano?
You are a man of shit, let me say how sad ....
And hear your colleagues affrmare that the only solution is the certainty of punishment, a sentence ..... not a hard word about prevention, respect, tolerance (mutual, of course, not only for Italians). And that sadness
not hear voices, do not see signs .. even by persons, associations, clubs and so on, which should be the first indignant, response.
I would like to see at least a signal, such as the flag of peace, the white cloth of Emergency, to say that I (we) am not there ......
But at least nothing in my eyes, at least around me ....