Monday, March 7, 2011

Ringworm Under Breast


candy 91 Age: 37
Here I am talking about myself in shape because I annonima decency to talk to those who know me, except with my mother sees my suffering and my sincere friend with whom I do not need words explicit and who understands me and I do not judge. have been married for four years after many of coexistence and we have a three year old child. My husband is a man of infinite goodness and one who loves me very much. I lived with him very intense experience, we had fun, we've traveled a lot, and we have built a good life together ups and downs but always together. My peeve is a person of my past for me was the most important, my great and true love, the only person I ever managed to love above all, never judging and knowing that it was acceptable for the CIA. true love short, the love that makes you put aside if you love him with all you same but you know you're the right person x him. love that makes you happy to see him be happy too close to another person.
true love that lets go for the good of those you love. love with you a mental link so strong that senti lo incontrerai anche se esci x andare a prenderti le sigarette e puntualmente succede.quell'amore che ti fa scivolare addosso anche la sua presunta bisessualità sulla quale non indaghi perchè quello che conta è come vive quando sta con te, e badate non indaghi non x paura della verità ma perchè non te ne frega niente,perchè tu lo ami per ciò che è e quindi ciò che è è anche quello. un amore vero e profondo che vive in me da 22 anni e che vive anche in lui. lui è una persona unica e meravigliosa, una persona che è la gentilezza e l'educazione incarnata per altro in un corpo wonderful, a man who every time we meet is always kind and respectful for my new life, even though I know she loves me too lui.semplicemente meet my husband, who knows the order to mean strong feelings I felt and still have a residual strong I feel lucky to have met the true love, but I swear that if I could make a wish transported back into time and return that evening in which x pride and immaturity, I had little more than 20 years, I sent him away.
never believe me on that night I heard my and his love and his respect for my choices. after many, many times that at each return left everything to run to him that night, because my life was another person present, x with respect to that person, out of pride but also for fear of I sent him a slave to stay away even if the words saying one thing and your heart just the opposite. avoid meeting because they are too strong feelings and the emotional impact. so they looked this great love in my heart and in my memories, which at times are so bad, and I live this feeling just like in the song "Satin" of mine, our song. I often think him, what we were, what we could be , I'm glad of his success at work and I am sorry that has yet to find a person. what to say, thanks for the outburst, I often say that many people do not have the luck that I had to have a husband that still loves and who loves you, and have found the true and great love of their lives. if I follow my philosophy of life, I think, in fact I know that with my husband in this life I am making the evolution of a path and the other love of my life path has only been postponed to a later life. I love my look in the next life. In conclusion I would say thanks to these two great men who entered my life I hano loved and that allowed me to love them. please, I beg you not even think one second that x is a romanticization of my life or even a fantasia.è my life and maybe my small but huge reward for the first part of my life its shiny

Funny Wedding Speech Lines

of single mothers are jealous of

martina Age: 24
I am a single mother but I think a little different from other victim ofa just love malato.circa I know 4 years ago a boy in bar where I worked, he immediately asked me to go out with him and I accepted the primitempi seemed all apparently "normal" then I saw in him conportamenti increasingly strange and increasingly ambiguous so they begin to doubt his real interest in me ... when we saw him xò and we were together, made love could see, touch and above all x could almost read my mind and magic to understand me on the fly and this is the first thing I struck me besides the fact he made me feel so ke donna.lui was a bit older than me when some anno.proprio I came to discover the truth I realized it was too kwe tarte xkè already my head was x game he was deeply in love was my last thought ke man ke x sempre.scoprii but he was not just me but 3.4 , 5ragazze but I ke xò was his "favorite" so ke then after discovering he actually left everything x me.iniziò so get with our real love story made of Momeni so beautiful and unique ke shortly after he discovered she was pregnant but say nn takes well while his family decided to help my sì.i x us giving us their home to live together, already furnished and almost all lacked spending only threats to the survival quotidiana.purtroppo abortion forced me to stay in bed and take care of him instead of me at that time so delicate a woman who does x? if he goes home because they felt neglected .. but I could do if I was "forced" to the rest total?? when it passed this time we decided to try again but now the report had already ruined, yes because he at that time we had ke left again to say rifrequentare new women .. and I felt humiliated, hurt, betrayed and terribly guilty and x il bimbo che portavo in grembo e sia x lui perchè lui mi diceva che se io mi prendevo cura di lui invece di trascurarlo non se ne sarebbe andato inece ora con il senno di poi credo che lui mi ha sempre preso le scuse.praticamente la gravidanza la vissuta a sprazzi fino a quando un giorno decisi disporgere denuncia perchè lui dopo che ci eravamo lasciati x l'ennesima volta dicendomi che non mi amava,mi continuava però a perseguitarmi minacciandomi di farmela pagare,ma poi pagare cosa????pagare perchè ero incinta e lui non lo voleva ma forse i sensi suoi di colpa a volte gli facevano ripensare a come mi stava riducendo??e Be because I spent my pregnancy in recent times with the fear that he might hurt me me.telefonava and not only at all hours, the soot was building screaming and if I opened the door to playing neighbors, I was terribly ashamed my life had become a inferno.x I reported this, the father of my son ... and that would never have dreamed that a real family lui.quando my son was born I decided to put my own name x via the complaint and he unleashed hell but only words, claiming his right to his father but never andre Advocate still after 4 years .. and still does make our lives impossible you xke I xi guilt after he aroused me and why really wanted to give his real dad to my son, there are back together but it lasted little again, because it was bothering him the cry of child, he missed his family, gym, friends and would not cooperate in any went shopping ... again without saying goodbye to her son that among other things has never recognized but continues to claim its rights without a voice, I ask him to consult with a lawyer or even better get a court to open the practice of recognition, but he did not fa.allora because we continued to jam?? calls me, humiliate me, I threat, it makes me feel a void and I'm the one \\ 's I loved it so much with I had a wonderful child I still hope that changes, that mature, but not think he ever will do anything he is not interested he lives so disturbed no apparent reason ... this is my story ragazzamadre

White Bump On Gum Above Tooth

ALINA Age: 32
Hello, I briefly the facts: for two months and I my mate we got a dog, I state that we live on home my mother-in-law who is 70 years with a shared garden which my house is accessed by a door that is always open.
Dall 'arrival of the dog in the house we started to have problems or better I have a problem that I would pass because this is creating some inconvenience the couple, and say, I wish the dog would recognize as masters, me and my partner and I wanted this to remain in the dog house and get used to go out for the needs of the times in keeping with our habits because anyway entrambi lavoriamo, ma mia suocera non è dello stesso parere...infatti già da subito, pur avendole detto di non salire a casa se sentiva il cane piagnucolare ha iniziato a fare un pò di testa sua ignorando quindi le mie richieste.
é capitato anche che lei, pensando che io non fossi in casa, si prendesse il cane in casa sua quando per caso lo trova giù in giardino, nonostante io le avessi detto più volte di non farlo.
A me questo dà molto fastidio uno perchè credo che sia una mancanza di rispetto nei miei confronti e due perchè così facendo essendo lei sempre at home, I fear that the dog gets used to her recognizing her as a mistress.
In all this my partner does not understand my point of view and he thinks I am being exaggerated and also because the mother only makes the dog company.
This situation is beginning to wear on me a little because we fight constantly and why do not you want to be mean to my mother-in-law, as it thinks my companion, but I want to live in the same manner as it sees fit without the dog having to explain to her.
What do I say? Are exaggerated? E if so can give me advice on how to overcome my jealousy?
Thanks, Regards.