I too suffer from motion sickness for me ......... love life no longer makes sense to think .............. death as a solution ..... like the end of a suffering that will not let me rest ....
every day ... every moment I think of her boyfriend ... ........ I was going to marry me ..... a happy life from the point of sentimental view .... then one day I discovered that you could try more ...... you could be with someone at a higher level ..... I discovered that you can try something more exotic ...... I found that love may even die .......
The feeling I have when she is not there is like a blade that cuts me into a pain ...... I lacerated my chest ..... I broke his head. I broke my heart ........... .......
The idea is not to have them makes me want to die .......
premise, she's engaged, she said geese can not leave her boyfriend because he has the financial commitments that he nis not allow her to make the right choice then he wants ..... ultimamente ha anche dei problemi dovuti alla morte del padre.....che ha lasciato un sacco di debiti......
Però prova dei forti sentimenti per me.....e anche lei soffre dlk fatto di non poter vivere una stria liberamente con me......
Io stò andamdo via di testa......non immaginavo potesse essere così.....sarò anche ripetitivo......l'avranno detto in migliaia......lei è sempre presente nei miei pensieri.....durante i lgiorno.....alla mattina quando mi sveglio....la sera quando vado a letto....in qualsiasi cosa che faccio.......lei è li......
L'idea di non poterla avere mi uccide......mi fa soffrire come mai avrei pensato di soffrire.....mi spacca il cuore......mi spacca l'anima......
Non avre imai immaginato di soffrire tanto nella vita......di soffrire in questo modo......
Niente ha senso.......niente mi sembra abbastanza..........niente mi sembra vero senza di lei.....
Sono per fino andato da una escort una volta.....non sò perchè......giuro mi sembrava di tradirla.....anche in quel momento lei era nei miei pensieri...tant'è che non ce l'ho fatta.....
For me she is a reason for living is the life ....... ......
..... I miss not being able to have all to myself makes me die .......... .......... I'm sick to death I cry as a child often because the idea that she is not making me suffer ........
.......... I think of death as a solution as an end of suffering without limit ......
We hope every day ..... I hope that something positive can happen .... something ache ....... but save me the disappointment I have inside is very strong ....
The will to live is little to live without her ..... ......
....... I hope in the future but a future with her ...... but do not know when ... not knowing if there is a future with her ...... kills me and makes me want to die .....
I did not think of anything else ..... people to look around me ..... but none quite like her ....... no ..... ..
lost hope ....... I hope that life is better .......
She's the only thing I want to .... the rest is just details .... climb mountains for you .......... I'd do anything .. .............. gives me strength and vitality that I had never heard before in my life .......
A smile makes me explode with happiness lcuore ..... a kiss takes my breath away by emotion .......
God .... I pray every day that you can give me ...... that I may live my life with her forever .... ........ ....
I pray every day God .... that gives me the opportunity to have it .......
As I prayed at the beginning .... she loved me .....
I tocacto paradise .... for a while ........ I never imagined it to be a girl .......
iimmaginato but I would not have to feel emotions so strong ............
..... I'm sick I'm sick to death ..... I have no interest in anything ..... work .... friends ...... ....... life .......
I hope to die every day for maybe an accident in the car ....... ............ sometimes I think um colliding with a truck .... and turning away .......... but it is not right that someone else get hurt because I did not want to live .........
I hope every day that God take me instead of qualcualtro, maybe a family ........ a person in this world .... p is useful for something. .........
I'm left alone ......... my friends have their family life ......... ......... ..... I can not go and bother ........ it is right that they are with their loved ones .......
I wonder every day why should I be such a thing happened I had my life ........... the ............ .......... ........ my girlfriend a wedding and instead then I fell in love with another girl ............ I can not have .............. or maybe not now but wait ......... ......... not knowing if ...... . ispaventa m the future ..... the future without her I do not care ............
I watch the other girls looking for you ......... ......... his eyes where I go there I hope she is ....... ....
I do not I know that the sense in that because ................ ....... I just know that I would give my life there has given it ... even if it is stupid ........ ............
....... But I'm afraid I do not know how to do ............ I think the way ... every day ...... ...... but I'm afraid .........
I want to find a painless way ................ ........... that effectively do not let me escape and that is simple ............
Because even suicide should be difficle .........
Non ho il coraggio......sono andato per tre giorni di fila su un passaggi a livello..........a guardare i treni che passavano....mi dicevo.........il prossimo è il mio........mi butto sotto.....ma non ho mai avuto il coraggio........
Perchè penso che tra me è lei ci sia qualcosa di speciale........qualcos ache prima o poi non avrà la meglio.........che prima o poi io e lei saremo una cosa sola............
Ma questa speranza.......questa senzsazione và scemando ogni giorno......io tanto stò distruggendo la mia esistenza......fumo in maniera sconsiderata........bevo più che posso.......
Because for me she's all ............ and if I'm wrong ..... if it is not true at all ....... I think deserve death anyway because the only ache so it makes sense to me ........... and the idea of \u200b\u200bher not only to have them makes me want to die ......
......... I want to die because they do not want to live without her ...........
will be stupid ......... but I'm not interested in the future ....... I fields concerned if she will not be part ........ ...
I sometimes make a jump .......... wake up next to her in a year ............. and if not ... I would not svegliarmo more ... ....
After all life is a gift .... I'm sorry for people who love their life and who are unfortunately afflicted with serious diseases that can not lead to the end .. ...... if I could change I would ...........
Then you say ....... but in the end if you die you'll never discover how it will end her suffering loa ...... but all I'm trying not easy to support .......... and then remains the question ........ if not then if he ends up ............ there is a better future .......... if not then she will be your future ..........
God ........ ....... please ... take me take my life and someone who loves you more .... ........